1. Hire Learners. Ask prospective employees, "Tell me one thing you have learned lately."
2. Open faculty meetings sharing something that you have just learned-and how you learned it. It doesn't have to be about school, either.
3. Make frequent mention of your RSS reader, blogs you read, or your social networking and once again it doesn't have to be job related.
4. Share links to TED talks and ask for reaction to what they just saw, this can occur during faculty meetings, site council, or as a casual conversation in the hallway.
5. Include in the daily announcements, something new and interesting.
6. Ask students in the hall what they have learned. Have them tell you what their teachers have learned.
7. Ask teachers and other staff to write reports on their latest vacation, sharing what they learned.
8. Ask teachers to devote one of their classroom bulletin boards to their learning, related or unrelated to the classroom.
9. Include short articles in the schools newsletter and/or website about research being coducted by the teachers-again related or unrelated to the classroom.
10. Learn what the parents of your students are passionate about learning.
Will Richardson, education author said this, and it also reflects my feelings in regard to teaching technology, and using technology across the curriculum.
"We may not feel comfortable in a world filled with technology. We may not like the way it's changing things and even more, how fast it's changing things. We may not like the way it pushes against much of what we've been doing in schools for eons. But our kids don't have a choice. And if we're going o fulfill our roles as teachers in our kids lives, neither do we.