Thursday, April 7, 2011

I'm Excited

I put in a proposal to be a presenter at a tech conference, June 3, at Pittsburg State University in southeast Kansas. I received an email on Tuesday that my proposal had been selected. The hair on the back of my neck stood up with excitement about this opportunity.

I know I won't be the most knowledgeable speaker there and that is fine. But I am one that didn't send an email until 2002, when our oldest daughter moved away to college. I figured I might as well learn how to email so I could stay in touch with her, without calling or using snail mail. I have even made the statement that why get started with all this tech stuff since what we're using now will be outdated in six months. Even though that may be true it now excites me to see what is available in six months.

Then our high school went 1:1 and that was my learning revolution, how cool it was for teachers and students to learn from each other, leveling the playing field for all students, and opening up to the wealth of information that exists out there. Then my next learning revolution was being introduced to twitter via @gcouros and now I have really blossomed as a tech learner and am eager to share my transformation as well as some of the tools I use as well as our school.

I have spoken before at conferences but they were coaching clinics and I was talking about football, something I have the utmost confidence in my knowledge. I am in the catching up phase here, and at my age, I think that is a benefit to show even an old dog can learn new tricks, but keeping up with all the people on twitter keeps me young and enthusiastic.

The initial plan is to talk on symbaloo, google docs, prezi, zunal, and edmodo. I know that is a lot to cram into an hour, but there is a method to my madness. I figure if I talk the entire time no one can ask me questions at the end to see what I really don't know. I just hope I'm not last on the itinerary since I am well aware that the only thing going through educators minds at that time of day is when am I going to get home. Wish me luck!!

1 comment:

  1. Haha...I like your thought of questionless presentations. Then you can really decide on your own how you did!

    Good luck Greg and congratulations. Maybe they should livestream it; you know what that is right? :P
